Introducing Andrea Newton
Andrea Newton is a speaker, trainer and soon-to-be-published author whose own menopause experience almost ended her life. Following a challenging couple of years with the end of her marriage, she struggled with her mental health but knew there was something else going on that was making matters worse. Several visits to the GP and a multitude of therapies and medications followed, but she knew there was something more to it as she just was not getting any better – in fact, as time went on, her low mood and feeling of overwhelm got worse.
Eventually, she got to the point where she made a plan to end her life. Her GP didn’t seem to be able to help her, and it is only now she realises that she was presenting in his blind spot. GPs are not routinely trained in perimenopause or suicide prevention and she was firmly caught up with the two conditions. Feeling desperate, hopeless and like a burden to those around her, she set out to end it all but thankfully had a strong Tribe around her who kept her alive with their support until she could get the help she needed.
She is a woman on a mission to share her story so that others don’t find themselves rooting around at rock bottom or peering over the edge as she was, and her new book “Could it be your hormones love? And other questions not to ask a menopausal woman” is written with MEN in mind.
Andrea believes that we all need someone on side in times when we might feel overwhelmed by the world – a cheerleader, supporter or advocate – and is keen to inform and educate husbands, partners, mates and managers so that women get the support and help they need, at home and in the workplace.
She offers the opportunity of keynote speaking for your conferences or wellbeing events, as well as a range of learning opportunities for managers, HR professionals, Health & Safety specialists and even Mental Health First Aiders so that women are able to ask for and get the help they need.
Episode Content
Andrea shares:
- Where she’s from and her work in the corporate world – helping create honest conversations around mental health in the workplace.
- Her story of going through a very stressful time in her life which led her to have suicidal thoughts.
- How she realised that there was more to what she was suffering than just depression – in fact, menopause was a major factor.
- The shocking fact that a woman going through the perimenopause is at 7 times greater risk of suicidal thoughts.
- The most significant number of deaths by suicide for women is aged 45-49.
- How Andrea got help through a private consultation with a menopause expert and started on hormone treatment.
- The link between hormonal depression and clinical depression.
- How lifestyle and nutrition factors can also help.
- How many women are still being misdiagnosed and given anti-depressants instead of HRT.
- How research into this issue is now being funded.
- Andrea’s new book, released on 2nd November 2023.
- Her work now around the brand ‘In Her Right Mind’ – supporting women’s mental health during perimenopause.
- The changes she’d like to see come into place.
Andrea’s advice around how to seek help:
- Track your symptoms
- Do some research
- Find someone you can talk to who will be on your side
- Get a support tribe around you!
Episode Show Notes
Andrea’s website:
Andrea’s book (US): Could it be your hormones, love?
Andrea’s book (UK): Could it be your hormones, love?
Connect with Andrea on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
From me: Grab your FREE Menopause Weight Loss Guide.
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If you’d like to give my feedback and suggestions for future episodes, I’d love to hear from you. Email me at
If you’re facing symptoms of perimenopause and would like to get some help and support for your own health challenges, whatever they may be, then don’t forget to book your FREE discovery call with me – I can’t wait to chat with you and answer all your questions to see if we would be a good fit to work together.
Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and does not replace advice given by your primary care provider. Please see your doctor if you’re considering making substantial changes to your diet and lifestyle.
Are you finding the pounds are gradually creeping on? Are you frustrated because the usual trick of ‘eat less, move more’ just isn’t working anymore?
In this guide, I explain why women often gain weight in perimenopause, and I give you 3 simple tips so you can start to turn that around right away!
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